January 2024 | NEWS


European Student Gathering

In November, the European Navigators held Vision Europe 2023, their bi-annualStudent Staff Conference (ESSC). 130 individuals from 13 different countries gathered in The Netherlands. Seasoned staff introduced numerous new student leaders.

They shared encouraging stories about Navigators spreading the Gospel in diverse cultural environments. International missionaries closely collaborated with local leaders and volunteers. The main speaker, Regional Director Bernard Dishman, recognized Europe not only as a sending continent but also as a mission field.

As various locations across Europe identified mission-sending priorities, sought prayer, and recruited new team members, they encouraged others to pray over the specific needs in their contexts and consider how student work could contribute. This gathering offered an excellent opportunity for people to connect across Europe and build bridges for future missional endeavors.

US National Staff Gathering

More than 1350 US Navigators recently convened in Irving, Texas, for the 2023 National Staff Gathering. Held every four years, this event brings together staff with diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and ministry contexts, all focused on a common heartbeat: a passion to witness the vital movement of the Gospel.

The plenary sessions focused on 2 Timothy 2:1-2 and the Navigator Vision. Throughout each session, international leaders challenged attendees from the Word and the Navigator Core in "Heart Checks." Messages from various staff and leaders emphasized themes of prayer, relational networks, and global missions. A notable moment was the concluding message delivered by US Director Marvin Campbell, praised by one staff member who noted, "he spoke from his heart and gave an unwavering voice to the heart of our God who calls us to unity."

Attendees expressed gratitude for God's presence during the gathering in Irving, and they left feeling refreshed in their commitment to the Navigator Vision: "to see a vital movement of the Gospel, fueled by prevailing prayer, flowing freely through relational networks and out into the nations. Workers for the Kingdom are next door to everywhere!"

Worldwide Day of Prayer

Our Worldwide Day of Prayer is scheduled for March 16, 2024. All Navigators—laborers, donors, and friends—are invited to take part in local observances. Additionally, there is an opportunity for cross-regional participation through three ninety-minute Zoom calls.

For more information, please emailStephanie.Plaisted@Navigators.org.