Finding Strength in Adversity: Gospel Hope in Myanmar

By agung purnomo

Amidst the tumultuous waves of political upheaval and the shadows of civil war in Myanmar, followers of Christ stand on the promises of God and work to advance the Kingdom of God.

The situation in Myanmar since 2020 has been dire, to say the least. The military coup has fueled a civil war, plunging the nation into chaos. Tribes clash, protests swell, and lives are lost in the struggle for freedom. The statistics paint a grim picture: By March 2023, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) estimated that since the coup, 17.6 million people in Myanmar required humanitarian assistance, 1.6 million were internally displaced, and 55,000 civilian buildings had been destroyed. Over 40,000 people fled to neighboring countries in search of safety.

A couple of years ago, my wife and I visited the region and witnessed some of this brokenness firsthand. Yet, amid the turmoil, we encountered profound stories of faith and hope. As we spoke with national leaders and met those impacted by the Gospel, we marveled at the resilience of their community. They have faced countless trials, from the loss of loved ones to the firing and blacklisting of team members. But through it all, they have relied on the hand of God, which worked miracles in their midst.

Recently, when we realized that governmental restrictions prevented us from sending funds to assist some of the believers there, one of the senior members of the National Leadership Team (NLT) calmly said, "It's time for us to look up to God." This heart posture of dependence struck us, acknowledging that it is by the grace of God alone that they have found the strength to overcome each challenge.

Despite adversity in that region, morale is high and the fruits of their labor are evident. Team members often reach out to the locals, providing food for students at protests and offering support to those displaced by conflict. Whether through giving gifts, serving others, or simply offering a listening ear, they seek to embody the love of Christ. Believers in the community have a unique opportunity to share about the God of all comfort as they walk with those who are suffering.

Indeed, the challenges they have faced have strengthened their resolve to hope in God and be faithful ambassadors of His coming Kingdom. Through various ministries—including campus outreach, community engagement, and vocational training—Navigators are spreading the message of redemption through Jesus alone. Guided by Scripture, leaders in Myanmar have learned to praise God in every circumstance, to focus on Jesus alone, and to trust in His provision.

When speaking to the National Leadership Team in Myanmar, there is a clear focus on the Gospel as their source of hope for the future. Though the road ahead may be fraught with challenges, they are confident they do not walk alone. God gifts the Holy Spirit to dwell in and guide their steps. As these men and women continue to labor for the Kingdom of God, they do so with the knowledge that His grace is sufficient, even amid adversity.

God is working in Myanmar. Though the region suffers in many ways, there are also stories of faith, resilience, and unwavering hope that only God could write. Though the road may be long and the obstacles many, followers of Christ press on, knowing that God is faithful to fulfill His promises. These testimonies serve as a reminder that He who has called us is faithful, and He will surely see us through to the end.