New Podcast with Mutua Mahiaini

“I need to have a strong grasp of the Scriptures so that they might have a strong grasp on me,” says Mutua Mahiaini, the international president of The Navigators.

So, what might happen if we don’t allow God to “grasp” us through his Word? What might happen if we allow social media or busyness in life to marginalize our commitment to the Scriptures?

Or here’s another challenging question: Is it possible that we have been too individualistic in our efforts to help people know Christ? Have we approached disciple-making as “lone rangers” rather than as a community?

You can dive into those critical issues by listening to a new podcast led by Mutua.

In the first recording, Mutua talks with Mike Treneer, international president emeritus of The Navigators, about the importance of “deep engagement with the Scriptures” in an age of information overload. Mutua and Mike share how the Scriptures have enriched their personal lives and enabled them to lead in accordance with God’s designs for ministry.

In the second recording (most recent), Mutua talks with David Lyons, an international vice president of The Navigators, about the importance of serving non-believers as a community rather than alone. Ministering together, they say, is enjoyable, effective, and a profound expression of our relational, triune God.

Mutua will share new, meaningful conversations with us in the future. You can stream the podcasts from this site, or you can quickly download them onto a phone, tablet or computer. To get started, go to this link.