Worldwide Partnership Day of Prayer

Every year, the Navigators set aside one day for prayer as a worldwide partnership. This is a tremendous opportunity for us to work together and fellowship with colleagues across our international partnership. 

The next Worldwide Partnership Day of Prayer will take place on March 19, 2022 (the event is always on the third Saturday in March). On that day, the International Executive Team will coordinate three 90-minute Zoom calls throughout the day so people can join in and pray with colleagues from around the world. Each Zoom call will begin with a devotional given by an IET member. Then it will include randomized breakout sessions so participants around the world can pray with one another and get to know each other. 

The IET also compiles and distributes a prayer guide document with specific requests from every region. Derek Leaf, Navigator Representative in the UK, said, “I print out the prayer guide in booklet form and use the prayer guide for the year, praying through something daily till the next guide comes out. I find it a helpful way of lifting up the Worldwide Partnership in prayer.”

Teams are also encouraged to take the whole Day of Prayer to gather in local or regional groups as they are able. These gatherings have had an impact on staff and local laborers in the past. A pioneering missionary in Africa said, "I am so thankful for the Worldwide Day of Prayer and the possibility of participating virtually. Our vision for the nations, courage, commitment, and obedience to walk by faith became compelling after we participated with a group of eight young disciples in training. They are from three pioneering countries. They had generally seen the Navigators as a small ministry, because their interactions were mainly with one couple ministering in their countries. As they heard different leaders share God’s word and pray the promises with confidence, it strengthened their faith in the promises. The time influenced their prayers for different people groups in their nations and their weekly prayers for their lives and local ministry. We also used the experience to organize a two-day prayer time for campus ministries in the Francophone countries. Ten Francophone nations participated!"

Mutua Mahiaini, International President of the Navigators, said, “Each year, we Navigators from every corner of the globe have the privilege of joining together during our Worldwide Day of Prayer to spend time with the Lord. We may be physically separated by thousands of miles, but we could never be closer than we are on this day, when all our attention and focus is on God. We could not have more focus, alignment and energy than we get through coming to the throne of God. We could never have more fire burning in our hearts, or miraculous faith for what lies ahead, than what the Holy Spirit generates among us as we pray around the world. Thank you for making this a priority.”

The Worldwide Partnership Day of Prayer is open to Navigator staff as well as friends of the Navigators. The International Office will send out Zoom links to staff in the coming months, so keep an eye on your inbox. If you are not on staff but would like to join us in prayer, please contact Connie Ekberg or Terie Kilgore.