Life Upon Life: A Love That Bears Witness

By Jerry Chen

Our Navigator Vision Statement acknowledges that “the Gospel spreads naturally and powerfully as believers share Christ—life upon life, family to family.” We recently witnessed this in the life of a student named Anita and her loved ones in Taiwan.

Anita, a graduate from Chang-Hua campus ministry who returned to her hometown Taipei in 2018 for graduate school, played a vital role in weaving the Gospel through her home. Anita's introduction to a Navigator house church in Taipei marked the beginning of her own spiritual journey. She embraced the faith fervently and carried a burning desire to share the Gospel with her family, despite their initial lack of interest. However, they were open to building relationships and participated in various activities organized by The Navigators, leading to deeper connections.

In the fall of 2018, Anita's younger brother Lin joined a Sunday fellowship, seeking guidance for his career confusion. The Navigators rallied in prayer, and within two weeks, Lin secured a job in digital drawing. Filled with gratitude, he accepted Jesus as his Savior three months later. This marked the inception of a transformational journey, where Lin's spiritual growth gradually unveiled the need for emotional healing from past hurts. Through this process, the Navigators around him realized that true discipleship involves nurturing both outward training and inner growth.

In 2020, Anita wanted to invite her elder brother, Hong, to join the annual Navigator Camp for young professionals held during the summer in Taiwan. Hong was willing to go, but the theme that year was “go to the deep water.” When Anita asked me if Hong could attend the camp, I thought, “Hong has not even touched the water yet. How will he go to the deep water?” The theme was for disciples, not for nonbelievers. Perhaps it would be better to invite him another time.

Instead I said, “Let’s challenge him to do some Bible study before going to the camp so he can have some understanding of who Jesus is.” During the course of his Bible study, God gave us a big surprise: Hong decided to receive Jesus as his Savior! Hong's rapid acceptance of Jesus left everyone awestruck at God's work in his heart, and I was humbled by how God used an event I would not have thought to invite him to.

The transformation wasn't limited to Anita's brothers. In early 2022, Anita shared with us that her parents were grappling with serious relationship issues, which came as quite a shock. Having known them for three years, it appeared they had a strong and harmonious relationship. Even their children had been oblivious to the turmoil at first.

However, miraculously, what initially seemed like a family crisis turned into a spiritual awakening for Anita and her brothers. It also provided an opportunity for their parents to forge a deeper connection with Jesus.

Anita and her brothers fervently prayed for their parents and attempted to mediate and reconcile their differences, but their efforts seemed futile. It was only last March that I suggested that Caleb, her father, and I start reading the Bible together, to guide him toward seeking God's help. Since then, Caleb has displayed unwavering passion in his quest to know God. We engage in weekly discussions, and in just two months, he has independently completed reading the New Testament.

Eventually, my wife and I started reading a marriage-focused book with Anita’s parents and incorporated Bible reading into our routine, alternating with a book on communication. Last month, during a Bible study on eternal life, both Mary and Caleb professed their belief in having obtained eternal life through Jesus's salvation. While some issues in their relationship remain unresolved, we have faith that God will continue to work in their lives.

Our experience in assisting Anita's family has taught us to anticipate the unexpected and to faithfully follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God's ways and thoughts are higher than ours. Through this journey, I've learned to humble myself, recognizing that ministry cannot rely solely on my experiences and abilities but on walking step by step with God. Prayer, openness to the Holy Spirit's leading, teamwork, and a long-term mindset stand as pillars in sharing the Gospel through relational networks. This story underscores the truth that when an individual is transformed by the power of the Gospel and commits to living out their faith, that influence radiates outwards and can change the lives of those around them. All glory be to the Lord.