New Regional and National Directors



On July 1st, Bernard Dishman stepped into the Regional Director role for Europe. Bern came to Christ while he was a mathematics student. He also met his wife, Deb, in university. Bern and Deb got to know The Navigators in Leicester and began ministering to professional ballet dancers in their spare time while working in Birmingham (Bern’s career was in IT and Deb was a lawyer). In 2000, they made a gradual transition into full-time student ministry, working mainly on the University of Leicester campus. Five years later, Bern became the UK National Student Leader. Then the Dishmans led the East Midlands Region for about five years. After a sabbatical in 2014, Deb started concentrating on local community ministry, and Bern resumed the role of the UK National Student Leader and became a member of the UK National Leadership Team. For the past eight years, he has also served as the leader of the European Student Network.

Bern and Deb are still based in Leicester, England. They have four children in their twenties and three grandchildren. As a family, they love history, particularly visiting historic houses of Britain. They love The Navigator Vision of being servants of God as He rebuilds the Kingdom of God in Europe by raising up a generation whose descendants can rebuild the spiritual walls for all mankind to see.


Alex and Monica Kiamba have just stepped into the National Director role in Kenya for the next five years. Alex gave his life to Christ as a child, but he was first discipled during high school. He met the Navigators at Egerton University. After university, he underwent staff training in Machakos from 2004 to 2006. Post-training, he served as a Conventional Income Staff for three years until January 2009, when he embraced full-time ministry. In the same year, he and Monica united in marriage. For over 14 years, Monica and Alex have devoted themselves to the Navigators Students Ministry based in Machakos. From September 2015 to April 2023, Alex led the Navigators Kenya Students Ministry. The Kiambas have three children.


Jonathan and Shalom Govero have just assumed the role of National Director for Zimbabwe for the next five years. Jonathan grew up in a farming community in the outskirts of Harare. In high school, his uncle introduced him to a local church, where he gave his life to Christ. Jonathan became involved with The Navigators at the University of Zimbabwe. He eventually joined Navigator staff and has served as a field campus staff reaching out and discipling students at the University of Zimbabwe, Harare Polytechnic College, and Bindura University. He has also served as the Campus Ministry Director for the University of Zimbabwe and the Staff Training Director for the Navigators Zimbabwe. Jonathan met Shalom in 2009. They have been married for eight years and have two boys, Caleb and Nathan.

Please lift up these three families in prayer as they step out in faith to lead their respective ministries.